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FAQ & Support


Still can't find the answer? Email and our team can help you out.


Can I host an event on behalf of Hootsuite?
We’re currently restructuring our Ambassador Program and therefore limiting the number of Ambassador-run events and workshops at this time. If you have any questions, please reach out to

What is the #HootAmb logo and where do I use it?
The #HootAmb logo is for you to display on your LinkedIn, social profiles and blog to show your affiliation with the Ambassador program. Please use this logo rather than the Hootsuite logo.

Where can I find the #HootAmb logo?
You can find the #HootAmb logo and other exclusive Ambassador collateral in the Ambassador Collateral page.

I’m interested in speaking about Hootsuite publicly, can I speak on Hootsuite’s behalf?
We love when Ambassadors speak about Hootsuite because you are all experts! When speaking to the media or at an event about Hootsuite, you must ensure that you share that your position as an Ambassador is voluntary. If you have any questions around this, please email

I don’t want to be an Ambassador anymore, what do I do?
We understand that other commitments can come up, or sometimes you choose to change careers. To end your term as a Hootsuite Ambassador, please fill out this form.

The Ambassador Facebook Group

Do I have to participate in the Hootsuite Ambassador Facebook Group?
No. It's greatly appreciated, but participation is totally voluntary.

How do I access the Ambassador Facebook Group? 
You can access the group here. Please make sure you respond to the 3 questions to help us identify you.

Can I make a suggestion about the Ambassador Facebook Group? 
Yes! We love hearing suggestions. Please contact