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Additional Social Listening Sources – Applicable Terms of Use

Last modified: July 9th, 2024

If you purchase any Hootsuite listening services or products, you are expressly agreeing to the terms and conditions applicable to the applicable additional listening  sources below.

  • LexisNexis®.

    • You are required to enter into a Subscription Agreement that Hootsuite will provide to you. You shall abide by the terms and conditions defined therein throughout your use of LexisNexis services. You understand and agree that LexisNexis services are not sub-licensable. A Subscription Agreement will be required for each access and use by any other corporate entity other than you.

  • TVEyes 

    • The TVEyes User Rules are as follows:

    • To use the TVEyes service only for internal business purposes and only for lawful purposes in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and, further, not to use or knowingly to permit use of the mode TVEyes service for:

      • the collection/distribution of any material which infringes on the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party; and

      • the mass distribution of unsolicited email or the solicitation of mail for any addresses other than your own (without the prior consent of the intended recipient); and

    • any activity contrary to any applicable laws and regulations (including without limitation the Computer Misuse Act 1990).

    • That you shall be wholly responsible for notifying all of your agents, contractors, employees, and other approved third parties who use and/or have access to the Talkwalker branded TVEyes service of the User Rules and shall ensure that no unauthorized third parties have any access to passwords;

    • That TVEyes reserves the right at any time to amend the User Rules;

    • That Customer may include TVEyes data in coverage reports, etc., including URL instalinks, for non-commercial use purposes;

    • That any breach to any of the foregoing rules may cause Talkwalker and/or any of its affiliates to terminate the relevant Order Form for breach and ask for potential damages, if any;

    • That TVEyes content is restricted in certain geographies.

  • Trustpilot

  • Quora

    • The following terms governing your use of Content obtained from Quora:

      • Your use of Quora Materials shall be strictly limited to internal use without any rights to sublicense further. In addition, the use of “Quora Materials” and Derived Works from “Quora Materials” is restricted to (i) non-public display (except for Talkwalker Command Center), (ii) internal purposes for the generation of data analytics for business intelligence, media monitoring, and other analytics-based value-added services related to social media data for Company’s authorized customers, and (iii) enterprise API. You shall not make Quora Materials programmatically available to any third party via APIs or other means.

      • You shall not use the Quora Materials for any of the following: (i) to investigate, track, or surveil Quora’s users or and of such user’s content, or obtain any information regarding Quora’s users or such user’s content in any manner that would require a court order, subpoena, or other judicial or governmental directive; (ii) to use for any unlawful, illegal, discriminatory, or unauthorized improper purpose, which is any purpose not explicitly authorized herein; (iii) to derive or obtain non-public information of individual Quora users, including without limitation, a user’s location; (iv) to display, distribute, or otherwise make available any information or data which would be inconsistent with Quora user’s reasonable expectation of privacy; (v) to segment, target, or profile any individual user based on health, negative financial status or condition, political affiliation or beliefs, sex life or sexual orientation, racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical affiliation or beliefs, trade union membership, data relating to any alleged or actual commission of a crime, or any sensitive categories of personal information prohibited by law; and (vi) to extract Quora users’ details from the Quora Materials and intentionally target Quora users with advertising outside of Quora’s platform, including without limitation on other advertising networks, via data brokers, or through any other advertising or monetization services; (vii) any publication and/or any analysis thereof without prior written consent; (viii) to access or analyze Quora data for the monitoring or measurement of aggregate availability, performance, functionality, usage statistics or results for any comparison benchmarking, site to site competitive purposes or any form of public announcement which includes, without limitation, the monitoring or measuring of Quora responsiveness or user metrics such as total number of active users, accounts, views, user engagements or account engagements.