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Create a richer student experience with social media

Students, parents, and alumni expect more from colleges and universities on social media. Hootsuite helps you evolve your outreach and turn challenge into opportunity.

Schools leading the future of higher education

  • Logotipo da Oxford University Press
  • Logotipo da Texas A&M University
  • Logotipo da University of St. Andrews
  • Logotipo da London Metropolitan University
  • Logotipo da Ivery Business School
  • 50%

    of students said communication with institutions on social media would positively impact their decision to enroll. (Education Advisory Board)

  • 60%

    of students expect institutions to respond to their concerns on social media within 24 hours. (Education Advisory Board)

  • 63%

    of students use social media to research the universities and colleges they’re interested in. (Education Advisory Board)

Simplify social media for education

Engage your community, recruit and retain students, connect with alumni, and improve your reputation with the help of Hootsuite for higher education.

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Produto da Hootsuite fotografado com estudantes ao fundo em seus trajes de formatura
Hootsuite has always been a partner. Whenever I have a problem, I know I can pick up the phone. I feel like I've always had a team who understands our situation, our goals, and what we're trying to do.
Terry Coniglio
Director, Content Strategy
Georgia State University

Experimente. Sem condições.

Veja por si mesmo como a Hootsuite facilita o agendamento, a publicação e a prosperidade nas mídias sociais.
O cadastro leva apenas um minuto.

  • Plano professional

    $99per month
    • 1 User
    • 10 Social accounts
    • instagramfacebooktwitteryoutubelinkedinpinteresttiktok
    • Recursos incluídos:

      Agendamento de postagem ilimitado

      Recomendações de melhor horário para publicar

      Análises e relatórios personalizados

      Ferramenta competitiva de benchmarking

      Gerador de legendas, hashtags e ideias AI

      Uma caixa de entrada para todas as contas em mídias sociais

      Noções básicas de escuta

      Integração com o Canva

      Impulsionamento de postagens ilimitado

      ... e muito mais!

  • Mais populares

    Plano Team

    $249per month
    • 3 usuários
    • 20 Social accounts
    • instagramfacebooktwitteryoutubelinkedinpinteresttiktok
    • Tudo do Professional, mais:

      Link na ferramenta de bio

      Suspender postagens agendadas

      Funções e permissões de equipe

      Atribuir DMs aos colegas de equipe

      Um URL de marca personalizada

      Rastreamento automático de links

      ... e muito mais!

  • Plano Enterprise

    • 5 usuários
    • 50 contas em redes sociais
    • instagramfacebooktwitteryoutubelinkedinpinteresttiktok
    • Tudo do plano Team, mais:

      Fluxo de trabalho de aprovação e gerenciamento de recursos

      Biblioteca de conteúdo

      Login único (SSO)

      Gastos ilimitados com anúncios

      Treinamento gratuito da Hootsuite Academy

      Melhore com estes complementos:

      + Social listening avançado

      + Análises avançadas

      + Caixa de entrada avançada

      + Funcionários embaixadores da marca

*Preços mostrados em dólares americanos, para cobrança anual, mas sem incluir as taxas aplicáveis. Cancele quando quiser.

The most versatile social media management tool for higher education

Cut hours from your workweek by creating and scheduling posts, responding to messages, tracking trends, and measuring results in Hootsuite.

Engage prospective students

Know when your students are most active online and publish posts at the ideal times. Create posts that stand out with content inspiration tools that make coming up with ideas and crafting posts easy.

Engage prospective students

Manage your reputation

Monitor your brand at scale with social listening tools. Catch negative trends and reviews as they happen. And respond quickly in the event of a crisis.

Turn community into advocates

Encourage faculty and alumni to spread your message on their own channels with Hootsuite Amplify. Create a hub for on-brand communications and social media posts that can be shared with only one click.


Get meaningful analytics

Get actionable insights on what’s working and what’s not with advanced reports that can be easily shared with departments throughout your school.

Build a better student experience

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