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Invest in richer client relationships

Reach all your clients across social media from one dashboard. Hootsuite helps your team give advice, answer inquiries, and reach new clients on social media—with the highest standard of data security.

Brands leading the future of financial services

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Stay compliant on social media

Never worry about sharing something that’s not compliant—Hootsuite’s Proofpoint integration automatically screens all post drafts for common compliance violations and disables posting until they’re fixed, providing guidance on how to adjust the post to meet regulatory requirements.

Besides the technical features, we appreciate the fact that Hootsuite is familiar with a very regulated financial industry.
Andreas Thomann
Andreas Thomann
Head of Publications and Social Media
Julius Baer

Prova. Senza obblighi.

Scopri di persona come Hootsuite semplifica la pianificazione, la pubblicazione e il successo sui social media.
L'iscrizione richiede solo un minuto.

  • Piano Professional

    $99al mese
    • 1 User
    • 10 Social accounts
    • instagramfacebooktwitteryoutubelinkedinpinteresttiktok
    • Funzionalità incluse:

      Programmazione illimitata dei post

      Momento migliore per pubblicare consigli

      Analisi e report personalizzati

      Strumento di benchmarking competitivo

      Generatore AI di didascalie, hashtag e idee

      Una casella di posta per tutti i social account

      Listening Basics

      Integrazione con Canva

      Potenziamento post illimitato

      ... e molto altro!

  • Più apprezzato

    Piano Team

    $249al mese
    • 3 utenti
    • 20 Social accounts
    • instagramfacebooktwitteryoutubelinkedinpinteresttiktok
    • Tutto in Professional, inoltre:

      Strumento di link nella biografia

      Sospendi i post pianificati

      Ruoli e autorizzazioni del team

      Assegna i messaggi diretti ai compagni di squadra

      Un URL personalizzato

      Tracciamento automatico dei link

      ...e molto altro!

  • Piano Enterprise

    Su misura
    • 5 utenti
    • 50 account social
    • instagramfacebooktwitteryoutubelinkedinpinteresttiktok
    • Tutto in Team, inoltre:

      Flusso di lavoro di approvazione e gestione delle risorse.

      Libreria contenuti

      Single Sign-on (SSO)

      Spesa pubblicitaria illimitata

      Formazione gratuita Hootsuite Academy

      Sali di livello con questi componenti aggiuntivi:

      + Ascolto social avanzato

      + Analisi avanzate

      + Casella di posta avanzata

      + Promozione da parte dei dipendenti

*Prezzi visualizzati in dollari USA, con fatturazione annuale, escluse eventuali tasse aggiuntive. Puoi disdire l'abbonamento quando vuoi.

Social media management tools built to help you get more business

Get access to templates, automation, scheduling, AI recommendations, and many more tools your business needs to build awareness and grow your clientele with social media.

Improve client outreach

Improve the way you reach clients over social by managing inquiries across your social networks in one simple dashboard. Get content recommendations tailored to your business and simplify content creation with built-in AI tools.


Manage staff with ease

Our simple approval workflows helps you manage outgoing communication, give the right people oversight on critical information, and keep your teams productive no matter where they do their work.

Protect your reputation

Keep your brand safe with an instant analysis of millions of real-time conversations happening online. Catch negative reviews, monitor competition, and control what’s being shared about your organization as it happens.


Put social media to work for your business

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